General Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Social Anxiety

More than 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Anxiety can wreak havoc on a person’s life. One moment you’re able to get in the car to drive to work or to the grocery store, but the next you may be left weak and shaking due to intense feelings of anxiety. These disorders can make even everyday tasks a constant struggle, but AMHC can help people with all forms of anxiety and mental health issues.

Different Types of Emotional Anxiety

There are several different kinds of emotional anxiety – and each of them can have a unique impact on your health and wellbeing. From general anxiety and social anxiety to the intensity of a panic attack, anxiety is an illness that can challenge every aspect of your life. It can create feelings of fear, nervousness, or dread. It can make you want to hide from the world. If taken to an extreme level, people who suffer from anxiety disorders may even have difficulty maintaining a steady job. Not only can anxiety potentially impact your ability to earn a living and cause emotional issues, but the emotional issues can become physical problems: anxiety can result in sleep deprivation, stomach issues, ulcers, and more.

General Anxiety

General anxiety disorder (GAD) is a state of being where worry is nearly constant and/or distinctly out of proportion to actual events. Even when nothing specific is wrong in the person’s life, intense fear and concern will be present. GAD affects both children and adults, but women are twice as likely as men to be affected. While children may worry about school performance and adults may worry about jobs, loved ones, money, or personal issues, how GAD presents itself may be similar. With GAD, worry may shift rapidly from one type of concern to the next; concerns like What if I hit someone with my car? What if I’m fired at work? can become What if I forget my homework? What if the kids in my class don’t like me? To a degree, these concerns are normal, but what marks the difference between general anxiety disorder and everyday concerns is the intensity of the worry. Patients with GAD may experience feelings of fatigue, inability to focus, insomnia, and irritation. Many people who suffer from this common disorder may experience panic attack symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, or stomach issues usually associated with high anxiety, such as nausea or diarrhea.

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic attacks are when an individual feels terror so acutely that he or she may react with symptoms such as severe shaking, shortness of breath, extreme headaches, nausea, diarrhea, lightheadedness, sweating or chills. People who experience panic disorders may also have an intense fear of dying or choking during a panic attack. Over time, the person may even suffer from a constant fear of having another panic attack. Most panic attacks happen when the person is not actually in any danger. These attacks may often be a symptom of a panic disorder. Possible causes of panic disorders and panic attacks may be major life stress (such as recent death of a loved one) or issues with drug or alcohol abuse issues. Panic attack issues may also run in families.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common anxiety disorders in the U.S. An estimated 15 million people live with it. Social anxiety is marked by an intense fear of personal or public interaction. Those who have it are irrationally afraid of being judged or teased. Feelings of being under a microscope are common. This disorder often leads to feelings of depression, inferiority, humiliation, or extreme self-consciousness. Social anxiety may result in panic attacks or other physical manifestations of extreme anxiety.

How Advantage Can Help

Advantage Mental Health Services can help you deal with these challenging and life-changing anxiety issues. Here at AMHC, you’ll find compassionate, knowledgeable, and experienced staff who are devoted to the healing and care of our patients. We offer a variety of services, including one-on-one counseling, group counseling, medication therapy and management, and much more. You’re not alone. Let AMHC help you.