
How Depression Can Affect Your Marriage And Personal Relationships


Depression can affect many aspects of your life in Clearwater, including your marriage and personal relationships. Finding the right treatment for depression can be difficult, and it can take years to try and overcome and manage the symptoms of this common mental health condition. We’ll look at some of the ways that depression can impact …

Life Is Less Stressful At The Beach: Why People Choose Clearwater Florida


Many are flocking to Florida for a more carefree and less stressful life. The number one reason is the weather. Struggling to get your car started in freezing temperatures to get to work or do some shopping is not just unpleasant, it’s stressful. The winter blues are a real thing so many people choose to …

How Does Music Affect Our Emotions, Anxiety and Depression?


You may have heard the old expression, “music soothes the savage beast.” What is the meaning of that? It could mean that music can greatly affect and regulate our behaviors, moods, and emotions. Have you ever felt anxious and found that turning on soft or pleasant music relaxes you? Upbeat music might make you suddenly …