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Why Young Adults Are Vulnerable To Mental Health Crises

The pandemic has recently spotlighted children’s mental health, especially those who are unable to be in the classroom. One study looked at high school students and discovered that approximately one-third were suffering from depression.

A CDC report showed that in youth between the ages of 18-24 there has been a sharp increase in suicide ideation. In fact, one in four persons within this age group had seriously considered suicide recently.

Unfortunately you adults are vulnerable during this pandemic because at this age they rely heavily on peer networks for things like friendships and validation. They’re also seeing the direction of their lives altered, especially since there aren’t as many job opportunities available.

Before the pandemic young adults were already suffering from high rates of depression and anxiety. These conditions can either be triggered or exacerbated by new freedoms, pressures, and temptations. Usually, they’re treatable with a combination of therapy and medication. However, others experience more serious forms of mental illness that may manifest between the ages of 18-24.

As we enter into a new year we need to pay particular attention to the mental health of young adults. They find themselves suffering from a new type of stress brought about because of the pandemic while they’re also in a very fragile stage of life. Oftentimes they don’t have the same resiliency skills that older adults have – ones that have been built up through life experience.

Fortunately, many high schools, colleges and universities are stepping up and embracing the models and protocols that have already been established to identify students who are suffering from depression or other mental health issues. They’re taking the necessary steps to get these students the help they need. However, we’re bound to continue seeing COVID-induced mental health issues for the foreseeable future. As such, schools need to commit to playing an even bigger part in supporting young adults’ mental health.

It’s time for schools to treat mental health issues the same way they’d treat physical disabilities. They need to provide students with support and the appropriate accommodations. COVID brings a new urgency to mental health issues. The pandemic’s mental health impacts will be long-reaching. If you are a young adult who is suffering from anxiety or depression or you know of someone in need of help, please Advantage Mental Health Center in Tampa Bay and Clearwater, FL where their experts can provide advice and guidance on solutions to these issues.

Picture Credit: Freepik