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Taking Care Of Your Emotional Wellbeing During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Although it is normal for people to be concerned about the coronavirus outbreak it is also important to keep in mind that scientific health, medical, and public health experts from around the globe are working hard to keep control of the spread of the virus. They are also trying to find therapeutics for those affected and develop a vaccine as fast as possible.

Find a Balance between Watching Media and Keeping your Mind

Although it is necessary to keep track of the latest situation about coronavirus, try and find the right balance between watching the media coverage and to keep your emotional wellbeing. If you are exposed to great volumes of negative information constantly it will raise the feeling of anxiety. But it is also significant to keep yourself informed. All-in-all it is a good idea to limit the media exposure if it is disturbing the peace of your family.

Keep a Calm and Practical Approach

A sudden and widespread panic can complicate the efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak effectively. Try to be calm and always follow the official advice specifically about maintaining high-quality hygiene habits. Medical authorities have advised about maintaining your emotional wellbeing and positive mental health during this outbreak. For contributing towards community wellbeing keep in mind that the coronavirus may affect anyone and it does not matter what his or her nationality is or what the person’s ethnic origin is. Keep in mind that those suffering from the disease have not done anything wrong.

Managing Your Mental Health when you are in Quarantine

Here are some ways of supporting your emotional wellbeing during this self-isolation or quarantine period.

  • Keep reminding yourself that it is a temporary phase to slow down the spread of coronavirus.
  • Keep in mind that your efforts are helping others in the community to avoid catching the virus.
  • Read forums on the internet regarding the outbreak.
  • Maintain a good sleep routine and eat healthy food.
  • Maintain routines that are as good as possible and try to view this period as a new experience that will bring health benefits.
  • If you find reading on social media and watching the news to be distressing to your mental health, avoid it.
  • For the people working from home try and maintain a healthy balance with fixed working hours, taking regular breaks, and establishment of a fixed workplace.
  • Keep being physically active.
  • Practice the healthy activities that you find relaxing and enjoyable.
  • Keep connected with family, friends, and colleagues by using social media, email, telephone, and video conferencing.

The emotional wellbeing of Children and Families

If you are a head of the family or a caretaker of children and youngsters, you need to discuss the news of the coronavirus with those in your care honestly and openly. Convey the facts to them without disturbing their emotional wellbeing too much and without causing alarm. Take into account their age and mental health. It is significant that you listen to their queries and tell them that they are safe and there is no need to feel concerned. In case the media and news coverage is becoming a bit too much, try to limit the access.


It is pretty normal to feel your emotional wellbeing disturbed by the news of the pandemic. People who are suffering from mental health issues are well-advised to activate your support network, acknowledge the feeling of anxiety, and get professional help from professionals such as Advantage Mental Health Center to address your difficulties. The people already suffering from mental health issues you can continue the treatment and monitor for changes. Acknowledge if there is an effect on your emotional wellbeing due to the spread of the coronavirus. There is no harm in getting professional health wherever required.

Picture Credit: Pexels