Ways to Improve Mental Health

“Every day begins with an act of courage and hope.”

Do you remember the very first time you consciously recognized that you or someone close to you had depression? It happens to us all, we get down in the dumps sometimes, but some individuals experience much more severe symptoms of depression than others. Far too often do we indulge in reading about how to diagnose ourselves to see if depression or mental illness is affecting our lives, when really, we need to proactively submerge ourselves in a self-starter recovery.

Start Feeling Better Right Now

Reaching out for help is the very first step to self-healing and a successful recovery. Knowing you can safely say, “I am not alone” and mean it is a key component in the healing process. We limit ourselves by thinking that help must come from a friend or family member; recovery assistance is all around us. Supportive community resources for improving mental health are plentiful, such as fitness trainers or gym members, teachers or religious leaders, comedians and entertainers, and this is just to name a few. To improve your mental health and ultimately, your quality of life, stick to these simple suggestions to start feeling better right now.

  • Value and respect yourself in every way.
  • Be both giving and grateful in your daily actions.
  • Treat your body as your temple – meditation, proper sleep, good eating habits and exercise are all part of respecting your body.
  • Keep good company – surround yourself with positive people who treat you with respect.
  • Calm your mind. This may take a conscious effort.
  • Set goals you can reach – be real with yourself, a challenge is good but make it realistic.
  • Reduce stress levels – massage therapy, counseling, meditation, proper sleep, good eating habits and exercise are all positive ways to get stress under control.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol.
  • Do something different – change things up, try something new, you may surprise yourself!
  • Reach out – support is around every corner, you must reach out for help to be heard.

How AMHC Can Help You Today

Seeking help is easier than you think. All it takes is one courageous moment of truth to get you back on track to the positive, fulfilling life you deserve. Advantage Mental Health Center can work with you to develop a successful plan of action to improve mental health through therapy and counseling services. For some people, it may be about having one-on-one sessions to talk through certain issues and for others, journaling and outdoor activities may be part of the plan. We will get to know you and together, find an approach you are comfortable moving forward with. Anyone can develop a mental health issue, AMHC has the knowledge and skills to help you get back to feeling like yourself again.