Tag: signs of mental illness
How Does Music Affect Our Emotions, Anxiety and Depression?
You may have heard the old expression, “music soothes the savage beast.” What is the meaning of that? It could mean that music can greatly…
Six Unusual Anxiety Signs
Everyone has to deal with anxiety at some point in time. It is human nature to project our future and worry over it. It is…
Tips For Helping Teens Manage Stress
Today stress and anxiety among teens has become a growing epidemic. In fact, the National Institute of Mental Health says that about one-third of teens…
Using Light Therapy For Depression Treatment
Throughout the fall and winter many people struggle with low moods and motivation. Some people can distinguish these feelings from depression, which is when doctors…
Signs of Mental Illness
Mental illnesses rarely appear suddenly. Very often, friends and family recognize the changes before one of these illnesses appear. People who suffer from mental disorders…