Category: Bipolar Disorder
Coping Strategies For Family Members Of Bipolar Disorder Patients
Living with a loved one who has bipolar disorder can be challenging. It requires patience, understanding, and an informed approach to support and communication. For…
6 Things That Could Help You To Manage Bipolar Disorder
It is estimated that 2.8% of the American population have bipolar disorder, a mental health condition that is characterized predominately by regular and severe mood…
Why Does Chocolate Seem To Lift Our Spirits?
How often do you find yourself reaching for a piece of chocolate when you are sad or feeling blue? You’ve seen the movie scenes where…
Can Caring For A Dog Or Other Pet Help With Depression And Anxiety?
Pet owners will tell you that their furry friend brings a lot of joy to their life. But what even they might not know is…
Tips For Surviving Bipolar Disorder
People with bipolar disorder experience mood swings that range from depressive lows to manic highs. Unfortunately, nobody knows the exact cause of this disorder. Treatment…
Anxiety VS. Depression: Understanding The Difference
The word depression is oftentimes lightly thrown around in conversations. While we may think that we’re depressed in a variety of different situations, oftentimes we’re…
Compulsive Eating And Drug Dependency
Why is junk food so socially acceptable? There is a shocking similarity between drug addicts and compulsive eaters, and it can all comes down to…
Using Light Therapy For Depression Treatment
Throughout the fall and winter many people struggle with low moods and motivation. Some people can distinguish these feelings from depression, which is when doctors…
Common Myths and Facts About Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that causes alternating shifts in mood and energy from elation (mania or hypomania) to depression. Also referred to as…
The Barriers that Accompany Bipolar Disorder
Living day to day with bipolar disorder can be unbearable. Moment after moment, wondering which mood will come out next and how it will affect…
Bipolar Disorder – What You Need to Know
While we often hear the term ‘bipolar disorder’ used in casual conversations about someone’s behavior, having a true understanding of the term is much more…
Bipolar Disorder vs. Personality Disorder – Knowing the Difference
Although it may seem that bipolar disorder and some personality disorders have the same symptoms and behaviors, the two are actually quite different. The important…