Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that forces an individual to seek drugs compulsively and without regard to harmful side effects or consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drug use alters the brain function leading to harmful and often self-destructive behaviors.
Americans spend more than $700 billion in increased health care costs, crime, and lost productivity because of abuse of addictive drugs such as alcohol and prescriptions.
Individuals who suffer from a drug addiction often have no control over their drug use and may continue to use drugs despite the harm it causes their family or loved ones. Most individuals who suffer from drug addiction want to quit, but have a hard time doing so on their own.
Most drug addictions begin with experimental use of one drug while in a social situation. The risk of addiction varies by drug and individual. Some drugs have a higher of dependency than others. As individuals become more addicted to the drug, they require larger doses to get the effect they desire.
Drug addictions can break apart families and relationships. People who suffer from drug addiction often withdraw from their jobs or turn to crime out of desperation. Attempts to stop taking drugs may force individuals to suffer from intense cravings that make you feel physically sick. Professional treatment at Advantage Mental Health Center can help ease these withdrawal pains.
Symptoms of Drug Addiction:
- Feeling that the drug must be taken in order to function regularly
- Intense urges for the drug
- Driving or doing other risky activities while under the influence of the drug
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms
If you or someone you know suffers from a drug use disorder, get help today. Call 727-600-8093 to schedule an appointment.