National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September has been named National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in an effort to bring attention to this tragedy. Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of their age or background, and there is no singular cause for suicide. Each individual has their own unique threshold for stress or depression, so there is no benchmark for what levels may induce suicidal thoughts.

Though there is no defined cause for suicide, there is still hope for people out there who are hurting and feel that suicide is their only option.

Raise Suicide Awareness

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, taking more than 44,000 lives each year. Most people that consider suicide do not feel loved and instead believe that the world would be better without them.

Raising awareness about suicide and ways to prevent it, can be impactful not just for individuals who are suffering but also for the community around them. Raising awareness can help everyone; it can educate family members about the warning signs of suicide, and it can also help someone considering it feel less alone.

Join Conversations on Social Media

During September, several campaigns will kick off on social media to raise awareness of suicide, warning signs and to share ways to prevent it. Campaigns will also focus on creating an open dialogue where everyone can come together to discuss myths, ask questions in an effort to end the stigma often associated with suicide.

At Advantage Mental Health Center, we believe knowledge is power and that it is important to educate everyone. Learning about warning signs and increasing awareness of the issue may help to save lives. We encourage everyone to take some time to read about the warning signs so you can learn to identify and understand what may be happening with your own loved ones. Join these conversations on social media, learn from others and discuss what can be done to help those who may be suffering in silence.

Offer Support to Those in Need

Research shows that certain factors can prevent suicide such as a connected family support system, close friends, and access to mental health facilities. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts or has thought about suicide now, or in the past, call Advantage Mental Health Center today to schedule an appointment.